Best Ways to Detangle Hair

Hair detangling is a very important step in hair health.  Your hair sheds about 100 strands a day and some of these shedded strands decide not to fall out, but to stay with strands that are still rooted. Therefore, detangling your hair is the only way to remove some of these stubborn shedded strands.

Best ways to detangle hair

There are 5 major steps in successful detangling that I learned the hard way:

1. Detangle Wet or Damp – Detangling dry hair leads to hair breakage.
2.  Finger Detangling – Gently finger detangle your hair when wet, while shampooing in the shower or at the sink.
3.  Slip Products – You want to detangle your hair after applying products that make it easier for your fingers or comb to glide through.
4.  Wide Tooth Comb – It is imperative to use a wide tooth comb while detangling your hair.  Using a small tooth comb will definitely rip your hair out.
5.  Start at the Ends – It’s best to start detangling at the ends of your hair sections and to work your way up the section.

View our YouTube video at to get more details on this topic!
Naturally You Hair Products, and their all-natural ingredients provide moisture, preventing hair breakage while detangling, especially our Shampoo, Deep Conditioner, Leave-In Conditioner, and Moisturizer. Shop Naturally You Now.

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